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Marcia and Jan Brady's lesbian scandal

This is seriously insane. Brady Bunch's Maureen McCormick (Marcia Brady) details her lesbian experiences with Jan (Eve Plumb) in her tell-all book which hits shelves in 2008. A source told The National Enquirer,

"The most explosive comments will be how the then-blonde, blue-eyed cutie developed a crush on Eve Plumb, which led to some sexual play. This book will certainly come as a shocker. While Maureen is not a lesbian, she reveals there were some sexual hijinks going on behind the scenes. It's bizarre because she played such a virginal character on the show."

Seriously, when I was watching these re-runs in the 90s I had no idea this whole series was pretty much a cover for porn. There was more ass being hit behind the scenes there then my last frat party...and by 'frat party' I mean 'sitting in front of the TV reading Tiger Beat magazine and eating nachos' but otherwise it's like the same thing.

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